Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ideas Beget Ideas

Ideas Beget Ideas:

From ideas come other ideas. This may sound simple and obvious, but I've recently rediscovered this beautiful simple fact.

Take an idea you have and go with it - you just simply Do Not know where you will wind up, even if you think you do. It's surprising and delightful! Think of a maze, or a mountain trail you're hiking for the first time. You have ideas about where you're going, but until you turn that corner, you yourself in person actually there in that spot, you cannot truly imagine what you will see, will find, will feel. The experience of it, of the discovery, of the working through is priceless and you can't get to the unexpected and interesting in any other way. Just thinking about things is great, but doesn't bring you to a different, refreshed, place in the same way "doing" does.

Typing or - again - thinking, is not as effective as writing with a pencil - paragraphs of stuff pouring out of me or you - understandings and uncoverings of revelations that change the course of our ideas and actions. Akin to drawing, the flow from brain through arm to pencil is a direct taping-into of we artists, the "filter" that is us, our core creativity that truly cannot be got at any other way.

So get with that composition book and those ideas and dig into them deep, work hard in them - you'll be thrilled and find yourself some place good you didn't expect to be - I guarantee!

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