Monday, November 30, 2009

Plein Air Snack

Well - here's my first minimalist oil. Minimalist not in style, but in means. As I stated in a previous post, I'm traveling for work shortly and don't want to stop painting with oils. So - I asked my self - Self??? how little can I get away with?? What is the absolute minimum I need to make an oil picture??

Okay - paint, palette, surface, and something to put it on with - 4 things, absolute minimum! Though I may at some point try it without palette - just put the paint on the board and rearrange it like a funky puzzle - will have to be in a mood for that. Now I've added a pencil - 'cause pencils are small, and a rag for wiping my knife - but that's it.

Paint - I take 4 tubes - a red, yellow, blue, and white - small tubes
Surface - Small pieces of board or matt board appropriately coated - from 3 x 5 to 5 x 5 inches.
Implement - One palette knife.
Palette - Small disposable paper palette.

I hold the little painting with my left hand - and the rag at the same time. A little awkward at first, but gettin' used to it. A very quick pencil sketch and then just palette knife work. Set the palette where ever possible and go for it!

This does change a bit the way I work. I'm spoiled by my pochade box - having my paint right there at the right height, right in front of me, but this is about just keeping going no matter now little space I have....

I'll post some more as they come along. They do take longer to dry because the paint is a bit thicker in places. Am considering adding a very small jar of Galkyd or using an alkyd white to improve this aspect. I also have to be able to carry the little painting somewhere where it can dry safely when I'm done. It's all about persevering to grow in spite of and with limitations!

Oh - I also stick a plastic grocery bag in my pocket for the rag and palette when I'm done - No littering!

So far I'm really liking working this way. Will let you know how I make out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rockwell Falls, Hadley, NY

I continue to paint out -en plein aire - as much as possible. The more I work from life the less and less I like working from photographs - the difference is night and day!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

On the Road

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Everyone - that's first off! I'm smelling turkey roasting as I'm typing here.....
I'm out on the road for the next month - doing scenic work. I'll be able to post, but not scan, so I have a few images to put up - but will mostly be posting writings.

I will - however - be continuing my own work - painting and drawing. Taking watercolors and figuring out how little I need to take to work in oils! Have some good ideas for this which I'll be posting. Not only am I not letting lack of time or space keep me from working - I'm thinking that my ideas here will stretch me as a painter - I'm very excited! Off to try a few out before I actually leave - work out the kinks -

Eat lots, paint good works, and stay in touch.... lol!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

On Writing -

Been doing a lot of writing lately, some of which will be distilled down and posted here.

I encourage every artist - no matter your discipline or where you are in your path as an artist - to write - a lot!! Don't do it on the computer and don't even use a pen. Use a pencil and the cheapest composition notebooks you can find and just write for yourself as honestly and in whatever way You choose. Don't finesse the pages or make a sketch book out of it - just get "down and dirty" with yourself. The use of your hand and the pencil is akin to drawing and you'll be surprised at what you think of that you just simply won't using any other method of communication.

I know I've said some of this before, but it bears repeating because it is so useful to our progress and souls as artists.

I'm coming to believe too that the parallel of writing what I want the Way I want also subconsciously helps the decision making for deciding what and how I want to paint.

Monday, November 16, 2009


These little paintings of fruits and nuts and things are a blast to do. The surface of the travertine tile is really wonderful to work on - silky. Looking forward to tomorrow - a full studio day. Today was an errand day - went well though.

This little pear tile is also in my Etsy Shop.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rainy Day -

Very rainy gray day here! I decided to start my Christmas card front today - some good music, cup-o-coffee.... I have just the image in mind and will post it of course when it's done.

I used to hand paint or print my cards every year which was a real joy - something I looked forward to with relish. But this year I may be going out of town on business for a month or more and so I'm thinkin' I'll paint an oil and then photograph and make them on my printer. Not the usual hand-made charm, but do-able.

The little study above is in my Etsy shop.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not Speaking

This still life is about 4 x 6 - and that pear was delicious! : 0 )

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thought for the Day

Here's the color thought for ya for the day.... Take, for example, a fire truck - screamin' red. Well - we see it as red because all of the other colors are absorbed and red is the only color reflected. So - actually "red" is the only color it isn't! It would be more accurate, but infinitely more tedious and annoying to say - "hey look at that not-red fire truck" , or that orange that isn't....

This is one of the things I think about while waiting in lines, while I'm supposed to be paying attention to something else - ..........etc...etc...etc... : 0 )

Monday, November 9, 2009

Alumacraft -

We've had some unusually fantastic weather for Nov. So - I've been taking advantage and painting outside as much as possible. So there will be a few more of these Plein Air sketches in future posts.

I have a turkey on my Weber Grill - off to tend it Yummmmmmmm...... Been sizzling and smokin' away in there all afternoon -

Friday, November 6, 2009

Acorn Tile

Here's my first acorn - these are only 2 x 2 so if it's bigger on your monitor, you have to think smaller, or shrink it on your monitor... We're big on acorns around here. My boys pick up a pocket full on every daily walk, so I have lots of little models hanging round.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Marbles -

A couple of my latest "Tiles" that I list on Etsy. The acorn titled "Anybody Home?" will be listed as soon as it's dry enough to scan. I'll post a better photo then too -
Later -

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dredging Sketch

I pass by these dredging barges often in my travels. They've been scraping PCBs off the bottom of the Hudson for several months now. They're very colorful - interesting - however else they may be detrimental. They kept moving the barges around as I was painting this little sketch -decided to just go with the flow -it was still a lot of fun - wound up being more of an abstract conglomeration than a real representation.

I hope to get back to paint them more before they've disappeared for the season -

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Susan's Geraniums

I put this up on my web site today - more of an oil sketch or drawing really. These happy things sit on this bench every summer - I do love them -