Monday, May 31, 2010

Windy Day

After a really frustrating day with the wind and accidentally dumping my brush cleaning fluid - orange oil - into my paint bag - the whole container full - I made this little oil sketch. I did it with a palette knife - as I had no brush cleaner left - 3.5 x 5 inches.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Buck Mountain, Lake George, NY

I painted this little 8 x 10 inch oil yesterday from one of the islands in Lake George. The mountain to the right is Buck Mountain which I've climbed with my family many times. I only had little more than half an hour before I lost the light, so it was pretty quick, but I still like it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I did this in my studio last week during a very windy stormy dark day - such a contrast to all this bright cheeriness! The red of the mug leans to the blue and the red of the tomato leans to the orange - this did not reproduce - they look so similar here. I've ordered some larger panels - I soooooo need to paint bigger!!! This was fun, but I felt quite claustrophobic doing it so small -

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fourteenth "Cup 'O' Jo" : 0 )

My fourteenth cup here - though it's actually been more than that, not all are fit for public consumption.... Lesson learned here - at least one of them - don't set your coffee cup on your palette unless you're finished with the painting you're working on - I was stuck till I finished my coffee cup painting - though it didin't take too long.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thirty Minute Pose

I had a half hour left after I finished the reclining pose from my last post and didn't want to waste the time, so I did this little 6 x 6 inch sketch -